The three C's – Care, Curiosity & Celebration

Onward Consultants have a special interest in wellbeing, self care and hauora. We are advocates for living well and being present in your work and personal life.
An understanding of how the brain works, the impact of beliefs in everyday life and the capability to make changes is significant. In times of stress or pressure we default to beliefs we have created since childhood. The ability to challenge and change these beliefs and learn strategies to strengthen our communication with ourselves and with others is vital in today's world.
Onward Consultants will work with individuals and groups to identify these beliefs, build new strategies, and build capability and capacity for resilience and celebration.
My Learning
Louise Hay training
Virtues Project training
Professional supervision post grad certificate
Dale Carnegie training
Volunteer work in Peru and the Andes
Brain development -the body builds the brain
Personal Interest
I have walked the Camino de Santiago (across the top of Spain – 750km)​
I am a keen biker
i love experiences and adventures